Singing Guide: The Tragically Hip

Singing Guide: The Tragically Hip

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Tragically Hip has been one of the most influential bands in Canadian rock history, whose unique style and sound have made them a favorite among fans of all ages. Vocalist Gord Downie was the heart and soul of the group, delivering lyrics and melodies that were unmistakably his own.

To sing like Gord Downie, it is essential to practice breath control and develop your vocal range. Downie was known for his poetic lyrics, and the ability to hit high notes in his falsetto voice. Here are some of his unique vocal techniques that you can practice to help you capture his distinctive sound:

  1. Use your diaphragm: Gord Downie was known for his exceptional breath control. Practice breathing exercises to increase the length of time you can hold a note and develop your ability to sing with more power and volume.
  2. Experiment with different vocal registers: Gord Downie often used a mix of his chest voice and falsetto to create a unique sound. Practice singing scales and arpeggios to improve your vocal control, and experiment with your vocal range.
  3. Focus on articulation: One of the most unique things about Gord Downie's singing was his enunciation. Practice singing consonants more crisply and correctly to make your vocals stand out.
  4. Work with Vibrato: Gord Downie went from a tiny vibrato to a full vibrato singing. If you want to learn how to implement vibrato into your singing, you should practice with specific exercises.

Now, let's take a look at some of the popular songs by The Tragically Hip and how you can use them to help you develop your vocal skills.

  1. "38 Years Old" - This song includes a mix of chest voice and falsetto, and is a great track to practice breath control and articulation. Furthermore, it's an excellent song to work on your vibrato.
  2. "Wheat Kings" - This song features wonderful imagery and vocal flourishes. Practice hitting high notes to match the melody of this song, and work on your articulation to ensure that your lyrics are heard and understood.
  3. "Ahead by a Century" - This track is one of the most popular by the band, and is a great song to practice with if you're looking to develop your falsetto range.

Now that you have some vocal techniques to focus on, and songs to practice, it's time to put it all together and start singing like Gord Downie. Use Singing Carrots' tools like the Vocal Range Test, Pitch Accuracy Test, Vocal Pitch Monitor and Pitch Training to monitor and improve your singing skills.

Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.